Diving deep into the well of consciousness to do your thinking means there is less light to guide you on your way...That is why it's so easy to get lost down there...You have to move slower, and use your other senses to define for your mind what you've found...And like the blind men trying to describe an elephant, those sensors can only tell your mind what is available to them of this strange concept in your path...It's up to your mind to put it all together accurately before you can know what to do with it...
Coming across that grain of salt with your daylight senses would also give different meanings...Your eye can see it's tiny and might dismiss it as insignificant, until the wind blew it into your eye, then it would know that its size belied its strength...Your finger might decide the eye was right about its size, but its texture is hard and has some strength, but not enough to prevent it from being crushed...Your ear can hear it being crushed and knows that whatever else it is, it is vulnerable to pressure...Your nose detects a faint odor reminiscent of the ocean, and reports that it's large and wet...Your finger brings it to your tongue where your sense of taste tells you it's good, but it needs more french fries...
I like it that she comes to me when her thoughts hit a roadblock...It gives me some sort of meaningfulness that I seldom get because so few come to me expecting enlightenment...Reaching an age closer to one's terminal end than where life began imbues a person with the desire to pass on whatever knowledge has been gained by the experiences of a lifetime...This is why it becomes increasingly significant during life's journey when another thinker presents the thoughts that defy the attempts to define it...All I can offer is my own concept of meaning based on my own experience, offered with my appreciation for the perceived value of my thoughts...
Whatever it is that your heart is telling you, it is no bigger than any other obstacle you've faced so far...Your experience in overcoming problems up to this point will guide you when it reveals itself...And in the later moments of your own life, you may find another wanderer who asks your guidance...
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