Sunday, January 31, 2016

Word associations...

Question: Why are the perpetrators of foul deeds so-named in association with their instruments of choice only when said tool is a firearm?...In other words, why is an assailant almost always referred to as a "gunman" after killing a victim with a firearm, when another criminal whose weapon of choice is a tire iron is never spoken of in the media as a "wrenchman?"...

Answer: Obviously the pandering press, eager to take any opportunity to please the left-wing politicians with whom they ally themselves, choose to plant the seed of guilt on the assailant's tools by associating the "gun" with the crime in the reader's mind...They also pander to the feminists by never using the word "gunwoman" in their misleading reports...

Examples abound everywhere:

  • The well-publicized incident in Las Vegas during which a driver deliberately drove a car into a crowd injuring 37 people and killing another, involved a female employing an Oldsmobile as her weapon...In none of the media accounts of the assault, was she referred to as "aurorawoman," "sedanwoman" or even "carwoman"...She is merely the "driver" or the "suspect"...
  • In Oregon a man was convicted of murder in which the victim was stabbed and beaten to death...Media accounts fail to recognize him as a "knifeman" or a "stickman," but rather as the prisoner...
  • An English court has sentenced a man to 14 months in jail after attempting to stab his girlfriend with a screwdriver...A diligent search of news articles has found referral to the assailant by his name, but not as a "screwdriverman"...
  • A Polson Montana man pleaded guilty to charges of killing his father-in-law by hitting him in the head with a clawhammer...Media accounts merely refer ro him as "the man" or by his name...
  • A fearless (and likely brainless) Tacoma Washington bus driver took exception to having his image captured by a photographer who was armed with a Canon and a .40 caliber Glock (both legally carried)...The photographer defended his personal space and his camera which the bus driver attempted to take by placing the bus driver in a headlock...The assailant was known only as the "bus driver" in media stories, and was not called "mouthman" regardless of using his loud voice and hands as his main weapons...The bus driver was ticketed and released, while the obviously dangerous photographer was banned from city buses, bus stops and transit property under threat of arrest...

They have gone so far as to having spellchecking software recognize "gunman" as a legitimate word, while "gunwoman" is shown as being erroneous...This insidious tactic is so widespread that it has become commonplace in the writings of even more conservative and gun-friendly media...

It is further noted that in none of these instances has any politician stepped forth demanding new legislation to curtail sales of automobiles, kitchen cutlery or hand tools by imposing background checks, waiting periods or numerical limits...

In addition, one may often read of a victim being "gunned down," but never as having been "buicked," "bricked," "wired" or "bottled" down...Bear in mind that no inanimate object is a weapon until it is used as one; until then it is a screwdriver, croquet mallet or a firearm...The user determines the usage of the instrument, the object has no say in the matter...

More articles concerning Firearms and Shooting...

Thursday, January 28, 2016

The obvious comparison...

Admittedly I don't do in-depth reading on modern politics because of its easy likening to an overripe cesspool...I'm not talking about just the politics, but also what is written about the subject...By their nature, in the quest for voter dominance politicians attempt to polarize issues, thereby attracting the weakest minds thinking that the majority of voters also have the lowest intelligence...

True statesmen, whose main interest lies in the restoration and subsequent preservation of a nation founded by men and women willing to sacrifice their own well-being and welfare for the common cause of liberty, will not set forth in the political arena...These potential candidates may refrain from offering their services in leadership for more reasons than one, including preservation of their own reputations, sanity, wealth and even privacy...

They, in their observations of the current political scene, know that entering such a fray involves competition with those whose lust for power overrides any concern for the welfare of human beings, morals or their own nation...The advice against fighting pigs in their own slop holds true, since the swine are known for their skills in their own environment, and for their enjoyment of dirtying those unaccustomed to it...

This leaves only the swine left in the pen to duke it out with their own kind in their attempts to gather the biggest pile of porcine wealth for themselves...This scrap heap of votes is provided by those voters weakminded enough to listen only to the siren serenades they hear, in addition to the votes from those of only a slightly stronger mindset who will add to the pile for one, only because they are voting against others they find even more offensive...

In my omissions from my reading list I may have missed the prior publication of many comparisons of current Republican frontrunner, Donald Trump and former National Socialist frontrunner, Adolf Hitler...My apologies therefore extend to those readers attuned to minds more geared to political observation than mine...The similarities may be more apparent to those of us who are long time students of 20th century warfare and its causes...

These are listed not in any order of importance, but rather as they move to the forefront of my memory:
  • AH was linked to a number of one-way romances, all doomed to failure as his only true love was himself with his massive ego...Geli Raubal suffered in silence as AH wooed Eva Braun, who later resigned herself to the same fate as he accepted the fawning attentions of many other women...Ivana Trump was left to entertain herself as DT's affections moved toward Marla Maples, and subsequent other women, all showpieces...
  • AH is infamously remembered as wanting to cleanse his own empire of members of a religion which he falsely blamed for the failures of himself and his contemporaries and predecessors...DT is ready to condemn members of another religion to life (or death) elsewhere, as long as his doting followers would feel safer by their removal...Both religions trace their roots to the same prophet...
  • AH began his political career after a failed war which left his country burdened with an immense debt, and little chance of ever paying it...After years of blaming others for failure, he sought allegiance with a political party whose purposes he began to bend towards his own goals...DT made his lust for office known after a questionable end to a war in which there were no clear winners, but many losers and new enemies...He sought fealty from disgruntled members of a splintered political party...
  • During his quest for the ultimate power, AH sought to arm his militant (yet non-military) supporters with superior firepower, and after ascension to his desired position, systematically disarmed the civilian populace in fear of being unseated...DT has supported positions from all sides of the gun control issue depending on whose favor he was currying...
  • AH embraced both the right to life as he encouraged new birth (both within family confines, and through extra-marital dalliances) among his own kind, while imposing involuntary sterilization and euthanasia of humans he deemed inferior...DT has supported positions favoring both pro-choice and pro-life groups...
I may visit this subject again as other examples occur to me...Politics is a subject I can only visit in measured spurts, followed by a period of cleansing for mind and soul...

In avoidance of spoiling otherwise enjoyable discussions by the invocation of Godwin's Law, these thoughts do not appear in any of the public forums in which I participate...And for those wondering, Truckman declines nomination for any public office...In the words of William Tecumseh Sherman, in one of the only commendable decisions of his adult life:
“I will not accept if nominated and will not serve if elected.”

 More articles concerning Politics...

Thursday, January 14, 2016

Insanity vs. Guilt...Conclusion...

The idea that an important Amendment to our Constitution has languished unused more than 150 years after its formal adoption is a radical one which must be examined closely before its acceptance...It can be easily understood that the ownership of human beings prior to this Amendment was based primarily on race and ignorance, and that such dominion grounded in commerce degrades and subverts the very being of both master and slave...

The 13th Amendment rightly banned most slavery, but specifically made an exception in the case of punishment for crime...The points presented thus far in this treatise can be summarized...
  • The insanity behind any criminal act has become its own defense...
  • Slavery is the ownership of human beings as property...
  • Property has no rights, but property owners have a responsibility to maintain property until its re-release in society...
  • The judicial system has the authority to sentence offenders to slavery, and the duty to do so in order to protect that society...
  • The means already exist to implement these tools, and the only thing preventing it is the society meant to be protected...

Admittedly, the barriers to ever seeing such a plan put to use are formidable, and they are unlikely to be realized as long as a blind eye is turned to a useful, yet unused part of our law...

More articles concerning Crime and Punishment...

Insanity vs. Guilt Part III...

Traditionally capital punishment is reserved for those offenders found guilty beyond any reasonable doubt of the most heinous and foul crimes against persons or nation...Treason, premeditated murder, human trafficking, kidnapping for either profit or personal purposes, willful violence and sex crimes against children and the marketing of addictive substances without regard for the welfare of the end user are all crimes so abhorrent to civilized members of society that only the death of the offender can end the threat of recidivism, and bring some form of closure to victims and their survivors...

No change will be seen for those under sentence of death when the 13th Amendment is fully implemented other than a severely shortened life span in most cases...When the offender's status is changed to property, and all rights as a human are surrendered, the only duties left to the jurisdictional entity are verification that all steps have been taken to ensure a fair trial guaranteeing that a just verdict has been reached, followed by execution of sentence...No reason exists why these measures cannot be completed within the 30 days following the verdict...

Judicial review can be made by any judge or panel of judges quickly as any missteps taken by those involved should stand out glaringly, whether committed by prosecutors or defenders...If reason for retrial is indicated before execution, it can be scheduled to correct any previous mistakes...If mistakes are found after execution, an investigation will be made for the purpose of finding any willful or neglectful actions or omissions caused by prosecution, defense or judicial authorities which led to a wrongful verdict...

Depending on the severity and nature of the findings in the case of wrongful verdict after execution, suitable criminal and civil charges may be presented for criminal and civil actions against those responsible...Pre-knowledge of the penalties for errors or malicious acts in the judicial process can be a strong deterrent against improper decisions...

Sentence of death carries with it a sentence of slavery until execution...The offender therefore becomes the property of the sentencing entity which is also responsible for the maintenance of health of the property until sentence is complete...This responsibility carries with it not only the health of the body, but of mind and soul...Every effort must be made to provide medical care, counseling to prepare for the cessation of life, and any spiritual counseling needed by the offender for the transport of the soul...

Upon execution of sentence, the remains may be collected by family, or, if no claimants come forward, destroyed by cremation and returned to the earth...

More articles concerning Crime and Punishment...

Insanity vs. Guilt Part II...

Upon conviction of a crime, any criminal sentenced to slavery becomes the property of the governing body claiming jurisdiction for the crime...This differs from existing sentencing in that the convict is no longer treated as human with such rights attending, but as property to be maintained and housed by its owner until deemed suitable to be returned to society as a human being...
This will necessarily require many changes in penal thinking and prison management, many of which will not be immediately acceptable nor understood by current corrections professionals...Many will say the space requirements don't exist for the present prison populations, much less any additional...
That problem begins to vanish with the introduction of a new schedule in which all prisoners share facilities in shifts...Detainees are given eight hours each day in which to perform personal hygiene, prepare their bedding and sleep...Each bed is shared in shifts by three inmates...

The remainder of each day will be devoted to work, education, feeding, exercise, devotional or meditation, scheduled visitations, attention to medical needs and supervised movement between activities...Any needs not already anticipated can be fitted to a prisoner's timetable by submission of request and subject to approval...

It should be noted that those incarcerated have no right to objection to the usage of the time spent in custody...The jurisdiction answerable for custody will have taken all responsibility for the care, control and maintenance of health for the property in its assignment...Property has no guarantee of rights just as the property management has no excuse for abuse or neglect of its authority...

The purpose of the correctional facility is to punish a criminal by denying free use of time, use that time to correct behavior, and return the individual to a society which expects all aberrant activity to have ceased its existence...This can only be done in volume if the offender no longer enjoys human rights, but becomes property under sentence of slavery, the maintenance and well being of which is performed by its property manager...

Done correctly, the end product will be able to be returned to human status ready to assume the rights and responsibilities enjoyed by all other free people...The idea being that such punishment will have implanted the knowledge not only of what caused this interruption of productive life, but the desire never to return to the events that caused it...

Some will rightly say that this concept still leaves open the possibility of false imprisonment by incompetent or corrupt officials, as well as the hazard of mistreatment and abuse by negligent, neglectful or untrustworthy corrections employees...Such hazards must be addressed by rules that, if ignored, can result in discipline leading to loss of employment, or even incarceration of those in public trust if warranted...

Each member in public employment entrusted with the justice procedures must be accountable for any action or neglect which might lead to abuse of property held in trust to be returned to the public...The employee must understand that should the action or inaction be so severe or flagrant, that employee may be in danger of charges leading to conviction and punishment just as harsh as that dealt to the property in question...

Then where does capital punishment fit into a justice system where mental condition is no longer a factor, and offenders are considered the property of the entity having jurisdiction over the offense...Not much will change except the length of time between sentencing and execution of sentence...

More articles concerning Crime and Punishment...

Insanity vs. Guilt Part I...

It's been my contention for as long as I can remember that insanity should never be considered a valid defense for those accused of crime...The accused either did it, or not...Seen in the proper light, the commission of any crime is an act of insanity since it is well known that the criminal, whether brought to justice or not, becomes a prisoner in his own mind...

Knowing that one must constantly backtrack looking for tell-tale, left behind clues, wondering whether unseen witnesses will come forth and trying to keep the lies of the alibi separated from the truth would drive the sanest among us over the brink...Regardless of opinion to the contrary, insanity is a prerequisite for all crime...Those contemplating the commission of a crime would be far better off to employ competent mental health treatment instead...

Then how should punishment be addressed for crime when insanity is no longer a defense?...Simply put: In the same manner as similar crimes in which the perpetrator is found guilty...They do the crime; they do the time...If the crime is heinous enough, you die as punishment...

Don't have enough mental faculties to aid in your own defense?...No problem; that's why the Public Defender's office was created...Can't remember what happened that day?...No problem either as long as enough evidence exists to prove guilt...But it begins to get tricky as we pack more and more convicted criminals into already overcrowded prisons...

Fortunately the forward thinking Truckman has the solution...The solution involves activating the unused portion of the 13th Amendment to the Constitution of the United States of America - you know, the one that authorizes slavery...The 13th has long been lauded, and rightly so, as an important step in eliminating the stench of racism from the march toward progress undertaken by the American experiment, but that very element of racism has held us back from shaking loose our life-sucking criminal element...

The wording of the 13th Amendment is clear and simple:
"Section 1. Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, except as a punishment for crime whereof the party shall have been duly convicted, shall exist within the United States, or any place subject to their jurisdiction. Section 2. Congress shall have power to enforce this article by appropriate legislation."

The underlined portion is that which is so far unused, and it is the foul, unspeakable taste of racism which has prevented it...Removing this roadblock is as simple as separating the criminals in our society from the protection of racism...Using race as a denominator in the fight against crime is long recognized by the courts as improper and illegal...Why should it be allowed as a tool for criminals?...

That last paragraph needs explanation in order to advance thinking towards this important step...It is my contention that the only race which should be recognized as a basis for law is the human race...When a human being sets aside responsibility as a human to engage in criminal activity, the rights afforded a human can also be expected to be denied...

More articles concerning Crime and Punishment...

Tuesday, January 5, 2016

Why your YouTube video won't get watched by me...

I can often tell whether your YouTube video is designed for viewing by low-grade morons, and would be a waste of time for anyone capable of conscious thought from reading the title alone...Here are some tell-tale signs...

You think "fail" is a noun...

You think "epic" is an adjective...

You think I "must watch" or "gotta see" because your own entertainment threshold is set low, and you're lonely for companionship down there...

You're convinced profanity is a trump card for legitimate criticism...

You repost existing videos because they have high viewcounts, and you want to share the fame...

Your attention span in elementary school didn't stretch quite far enough to cover spelling, grammar or basic sentence construction...

You don't understand this list because it's not numbered in a "countdown" sequence...

More articles concerning Other Thoughts...