Thursday, January 14, 2016

Insanity vs. Guilt...Conclusion...

The idea that an important Amendment to our Constitution has languished unused more than 150 years after its formal adoption is a radical one which must be examined closely before its acceptance...It can be easily understood that the ownership of human beings prior to this Amendment was based primarily on race and ignorance, and that such dominion grounded in commerce degrades and subverts the very being of both master and slave...

The 13th Amendment rightly banned most slavery, but specifically made an exception in the case of punishment for crime...The points presented thus far in this treatise can be summarized...
  • The insanity behind any criminal act has become its own defense...
  • Slavery is the ownership of human beings as property...
  • Property has no rights, but property owners have a responsibility to maintain property until its re-release in society...
  • The judicial system has the authority to sentence offenders to slavery, and the duty to do so in order to protect that society...
  • The means already exist to implement these tools, and the only thing preventing it is the society meant to be protected...

Admittedly, the barriers to ever seeing such a plan put to use are formidable, and they are unlikely to be realized as long as a blind eye is turned to a useful, yet unused part of our law...

More articles concerning Crime and Punishment...


  1. The liberals say that inmates have rights too! That, as I see it, is the major hurdle to any and all rehabilitation using your synopsis.
    So we have to get rid of that little....inclusion if you will, or!!! we could get rid of the liberals!

    1. Inmates are human beings, and as such have rights...Sentencing convicted criminals to slavery makes them property...Property has no rights, and its welfare is subject to the responsibility of the jurisdiction which became its steward...


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