Tuesday, January 5, 2016

Why your YouTube video won't get watched by me...

I can often tell whether your YouTube video is designed for viewing by low-grade morons, and would be a waste of time for anyone capable of conscious thought from reading the title alone...Here are some tell-tale signs...

You think "fail" is a noun...

You think "epic" is an adjective...

You think I "must watch" or "gotta see" because your own entertainment threshold is set low, and you're lonely for companionship down there...

You're convinced profanity is a trump card for legitimate criticism...

You repost existing videos because they have high viewcounts, and you want to share the fame...

Your attention span in elementary school didn't stretch quite far enough to cover spelling, grammar or basic sentence construction...

You don't understand this list because it's not numbered in a "countdown" sequence...

More articles concerning Other Thoughts...


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