Monday, August 29, 2016

Weiner pops up again...

In noting the latest internet activity from former Democrat congressman Anthony Weiner, I sometimes wonder how garbage becomes somehow attractive to garbage collectors of the opposite sex, or even the same sex in today's world...At some point, even a worthless waste of oxygen such as Mr. Weiner somehow catches the eye of a potential mate who looks past what is obvious to the rest of the world, and sees something she is drawn to...

i suppose the same may have been said about the number of seemingly mindless voters who welcomed him as their political representative, and he may have fed his connubial appetite from the same trough...But eventually even they had enough, leaving him to exist on the scraps dropped from the table of his wife's employer, Hillary Clinton...

With all his newfound free time, he was left to wave his manhood in the grazing fields of the internet by sending pictures of himself to the doltish daydreamers who view him as admirable...He has even taken to including his own son in his activities, possibly passing on his skills to the next generation as he supposes a good father would...

I'm guessing his Mohammedan wife sees nothing that would distinguish him from the other muslim husbands...He has no job, disrespects her and all other women whom he views as chattel property and comes and goes as he pleases while expecting her to perform her job...She probably thinks he's perfect...

EDIT: As we go to press, there are indications that his Mohammedan wife will seek counsel for a divorce action...If this happens, I'm sure her employer can find her a more subservient mate, just as she did for herself...

EDIT AGAIN: The former Democrat star can't even keep it in his pants long enough to roll through the gutter from one glaring spotlight to another...This time he's moved on to teenage girls...I wonder what his Verizon coverage will be like in the prison shower room...

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