Thursday, December 3, 2015


Just as youth is said to be wasted on the young, maturity appears to have shown its wrinkled face far too late to be of any use to the old...In my own formative years I couldn't understand why anyone would save resources when everything could be enjoyed, or at least expended, now while it's still here...It was a mystery to me why people couldn't just take everyone at face value since we all have good intentions, and none of us would purposely deceive another...

Experience is a harsh teacher, and even experience must often repeat the lessons of life until, as we near the end of the road, the fog begins to dissipate before our cataract-encrusted eyes, and we finally realize there may have been better alternatives to our previous decisions...It's now obvious that maturity, along with its superior judgment capabilities, was a trade-off for the energy needed to live life to our own fullest intentions...

I really should have built that time machine back when the plans were clear in my head...

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